Highlanes Gallery
Municipal Art Gallery, 36 St. Laurence St, Drogheda. T: +353 (0) 419803311; info@highlanes
.ie; highlanes.ie; @highlanes; FB: Highlanesdrogheda; IG: highlanesgallery. Tues-Sat: 10.30am-5pm. Adm: Free. Map
​Until Jan 25: Familiar Things John Graham. New and older works exploring the familiar in different ways, taking shape within daily routines, the forms and repetitions of everyday life, and the quality of duration; things become familiar, as elements within individual works
and as a body of different works appearing over time
Until Jan 18: Amplify: Young People Curate - Nine young people from Drogheda and across the
Northeast curate from the Drogheda Municipal Art Collection and invite three contemporary artists to take part in this thematic exhibition​​​​​​